Accelerating the Great Commission together.

Matthew 28:19-20 says “ Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Jesus did not say fill your pews or make your budget.  Jesus said make disciples. Therefore, we must make sure we are on God’s mission, not our own as we strive to make disciples.  We must fix our eyes on Christ, never straying and rely on Him for our strength and direction.

Reaching Our Communities

As individual congregations, and even individuals, the Atlantic Southeast District congregations strive to find needs in their community and the world, finding peace in knowing our God is with each of us.  We rely on Christ and commit to fervent prayer as we discern the next step to take at all times. 

While we give graciously to our denominational efforts such as Brethren Volunteer Service, Brethren Disaster Relief and other missional efforts here and abroad, the ASE District urges every congregation to find a need in their community and fill it.  As we step out into the hurting world right in our own backyards, we reach people who do not find a need for church or a relationship with a family of believers. 

Research says about 17% of US citizens are involved at a church home.  Yet over 70% say they are Christian, we must reach the other 53% that could benefit from a relationship with Jesus through Christian fellowship.  We must build trust and this requires us meeting them where they are and walking alongside them in the midst of their everyday lives.  In Matthew 16:18, Jesus says “I will build my church”.  We must remember whose job is whose. Jesus will build the church; we are commanded to be the salt and the light, and to make disciples. 


If you wish to learn more about witness in the ASE District, please contact our Interim Director of Administration, Beth Sollenberger