Serving and reaching students.

The goal of the ASE Student Ministry is to promote shared growth for youth in your churches by offering support and resources for those serving in youth ministry. 

WHY We Invest in Students

  • Students matter to God. Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these" (Mark 10:14).

  • Students are receptive to the Gospel. In the United States, most people who make a decision to follow Christ do so before the age of 18.

  • We hope to reverse the trend of research that shows close to 50% of youth who express faith as adolescents will walk away from faith after graduation from high school.

  • The local church is uniquely equipped to help parents pass on faith to their children and to develop a community that supports their faith development.


The Atlantic Southeast District collaborates with local churches to create events that directly impact youth. We believe we are better together, and that our shared ministry creates exciting contexts where youth can encounter Christ. These events are empower our students to meet others from and outside district churches and have access to speakers, worship, resources and experiences that they might not otherwise encounter. We are constantly evaluating the effectiveness of our shared ministry events as we seek to meet the needs of our churches in the best way possible. 


Venture Fun(d) Day aka Family Fun day - April 6, 2024 see events page.


To learn more about how you can prayerfully or financially support the District's Student Ministry, please connect with our Interim Director of Administration, Beth Sollenburger, at